Sjvn submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Authenteq combines verified online identity with blockchain-based ID storage and end-to-end encryption to create the troll-killing Trollteq. Read More
The new open-source OpenStack cloud, Rocky, is easier ever both to upgrade and to deploy on bare metal. Read More
Open source powers today's cloud, but many open-source developers haven't profited from the cloud's growth. Storj Labs wants to change that dynamic so both can make money. Read More
​A new open-source license addendum, Commons Clause, has lawyers, developers, businesses, and open-source supporters fighting with each other. Read More
Could you soon see Windows running on a Chromebook? Clues are pointing that way. But why would Google do it? Here’s my take. Read More
Linux has run on mainframes for decades. Now IBM and partners are enabling users to access the mainframe native operating system z/OS using a new open-source framework, Zowe. Read More
Kentik's Cisco Live survey shows networks are changing faster than they have in decades, and companies are stumbling trying to keep up with the changes. Read More
The latest version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux takes a big step forward into the cloud. Yes, the Linux side has been made better too, but really this release is about the hybrid-cloud. Read More
They may not be the coolest languages, but Java and JavaScript remain the top enterprise developer languages for the cloud. Read More
When--not if--you move to the cloud the next question is, how will you move your programs to PaaS? You have three main choices: Lift-and-shift, refactor, or containers. Read More

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