Sjvn submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Kubernetes rules cloud-container orchestration. We all know that. You may also know that Google created Kubernetes and then spun the project’s management off to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) in 2015. Read More
Starting in October, Chromebook users will be able to access files natively on Windows PCs and Windows and Samba file servers. Read More
Want a full-featured, easy-to-run, open-source Infrastructure-as-a-Service cloud to call your own? Check out the latest version of Nextcloud. Read More
In October, Chrome and Firefox users will be blocked from websites still using insecure Symantec/DigiCert TLS certificates. If you don't want to tick off your users, you need to replace these security certificates as soon as possible. Here's how to lock down your site properly. Read More
When you think of open-source software, you think about smartphones, servers, and the cloud. You probably don't think about movies, but you should. Read More
OK, so you want to take the plunge and move your IT stack to the cloud. Good for you.

But, and it’s a big but, before you make that leap, look carefully at exactly what you’re doing. Read More
OK, so you want to take the plunge and move your IT stack to the cloud. Good for you.

But, and it’s a big but, before you make that leap, look carefully at exactly what you’re doing. Read More
Holberton, the software engineering school for software developers by software programmers, is coming to New Haven, Connecticut. Read More
In a wide-ranging interview at Open Source Summit, Torvalds talked about programmers, Linux, and open-source development. Read More
The C language is very powerful, very fast, and very dangerous. A Linux engineer outlines how developers can cope with its security weaknesses. Read More

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