Stillwagon428 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Digital signatures like those offered by Eversign or Docusign took some time before gaining wide acceptance, but small businesses and large enterprises alike now use the technology instead of overnighting documents back and forth. Read More
When you have to be out of the office and on the road with business travel, don't leave without surrounding yourself with the right gear. Try these 9 devices, and you'll be more productive and prepared for just about anything that comes up. Read More
Amazon just added a new marketplace, Subscribe with Amazon, to help consumers find digital subscriptions, highlighting a potential opportunity for companies to increase ongoing revenue streams. Read More
If you enjoy baking, there’s a huge customer base of those who love baked goods out there. That means there are plenty of opportunities out there for entrepreneurs to build businesses around baking. Here are 50 different baking business ideas you can use to showcase your talents as a baker. Read More
There are plenty of natural and luxury grooming products out there for women. But the market for similar men’s products isn’t nearly as robust. Enter Brickell Men’s Products. The company started because of a lack of natural skin care options and has started to offer more and more grooming options w Read More

25 Point of Sale Systems for Small Business

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Startups
From 2714 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on April 28, 2017 1:08 am
With a myriad of point of sale systems and software available, how do small businesses choose the right one their own specific needs? Small Business Trends has identified 25 point of sale systems small businesses could benefit from. Read More
Sustainability has been a national conversation in recent years, and with political discussions about environmental issues heating up, the time is right for leaders in sustainability to help demystify the issue. As politicians argue about policies, incentives, and ways to legislate sustainability, Read More
Instead, millennials value simplicity, quality and authenticity, according to the 10 Trends Millennial Retail report from Kelton. A carefully curated store with products that appeal to their tastes will spark millennial spending, according to Kelton, which aims to identify trends before they happen Read More
Have you heard the latest buzzword, Disruption? It’s the offspring of buzzwords like “Growth Hacking” and “Pivot”. And, it’s in the spotlight because disruption is a key component of new ways of thinking about things and creating new products and services. This week’s book list is a collection of Read More
Chances are, you use some type of social media or content strategy to market your small business. But since so many other businesses use those same platforms, you have to constantly find new ways to make your business stand out. For ideas and tips on using social media and content marketing for you Read More

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