These stories submitted by HollyHanna will be featured BizSugar's homepage

When I started my own business, I suffered from a lack of understanding about what it took to be a successful business owner. Things were stagnant and business was slow. Other business friends told me to become an information sponge and figure out where I was and what I needed to learn. For me that Read More
I’ll let you in on a little secret... I didn’t set any goals for 2012. While I know the importance of setting goals and having a clear cut business path to achieve those goals, my heart just wasn’t in it. I had lost my exuberance and passion for what I was doing. Read More
The home party plan business is a great business. It provides schedule flexibility, the chance to be your own boss and the opportunity to make good money. However, it is a business that requires you to be constantly moving forward to achieve success. Read More
How many times in the last month have you typed a URL (website address) into your web browser only to end up at a site that you had intention of going to? Maybe one too many times. You’ll admit, it was an innocent enough mistake. Sadly, too many of those “mistakes” are driving potential clients int Read More
A monthly updated list of upcoming events and conferences for Women, Bloggers and Entrepreneurs. Check out the following events. Read More
The fear of failure is one of the strongest forces that holds people back from achieving their true potential. People who fear failure learn it’s easier to coast along with the status quo than take that important first step. Yes, it’s incredibly easy to rationalize why you shouldn’t stick your neck Read More
One of the most frequent questions that I receive from new business owners and direct sales consultants is, how do I get clients? While there are a variety of ways to go about it (cold calling, content marketing, direct mail, attending networking events, advertising...) I have found that one techni Read More
Believe it or not, summer is right around the corner. Before you know it school will be out and your quiet hours while the kids are in school will be gone. If you have younger children at home, you may already have ways to multi-task and meet the children’s needs while also sneaking in a little tim Read More
Publicity is different from traditional advertising in that it builds credibility because it is a third party that is distributing the information. With advertising the message is totally controlled by the company Read More
Because so many of you have asked similar questions about Twitter, I thought it would be a good day to discuss how you can use Twitter for building your business and traffic to your blog. Read More

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