These stories submitted by HollyHanna will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Have you stopped moving because you’re frozen in fear? Do you feel like you hit a brick wall and don't know what to do next? This happens to many of us, particularly when we are walking down a new path or starting on a journey that leads us into unfamiliar territory. You are moving along, often at Read More
Just a few minutes on Pinterest can open the doors to ideas for your next big event or even give you inspiration to start your day. For bloggers, Pinterest is a necessary tool to grow their blog and their blogging community. Read More
I thought Twitter was a joke. A maximum of 140 character messages? You’ve got to be kidding. There’s no way you can use something popularized by Ashton Kutcher and Oprah for marketing … Or can you? Read More
As a work at home mom, I have the luxury to work when and where I want, but no matter who you are or what you’re doing, there comes a time that you need to unplug and leave work behind. Read More
One of the most insidious aspects of being a small business owner, especially in the early days as a solopreneur, is the tendency to get lost in day-to-day activities. Read More
I am one of those “everything happens for a reason” people. In my experience, things that seem to happen by chance are often not really coincidences at all. In hindsight, seem to be a part of some divine plan. Read More
It started out innocently enough … just one post after another on a brand new blog. Hardly noticeable, but relevant. At least, in my mind. I mean, what’s not relevant about ditching the disposables and opting for soft, fluffy cloth diapers? Read More
Having kids, running a business, and managing a household can seem like a daunting job with no end in sight, especially if you aren't asking for help. Read More
But by taking a few minutes to summarize your core offerings and the unique aspects of your product or service, you can create a quality logo that will instantly give your company a professional face – seemingly increasing its size without expanding one inch of your real estate. Read More
As a work at home mom in marketing and business development, I have come to understand a lot about people. Just to be sure... you're potential and current clients are people, right? Read More

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