These stories submitted by HollyHanna will be featured BizSugar's homepage

It’s no wonder that many people shied away from starting their own business - the barrier to entry was just too high. Luckily, the playing field has been leveled and now anyone with a good product to sell has a chance to do so online from his or her own home! Read More
PR can be a bit tricky, but if you do the research and preparation you can ‘do it yourself.’ Most mom small business owners lack a huge budget to put toward a public relations firm. However, coverage in print media, online and on television can be invaluable to your overall business image. Read More
With more and more women wanting to achieve better work-life balance, they are looking outwards for legitimate ways to start their own business. One of the quickest, easiest, and low risk opportunities available to women is within the Direct Sales Arena. Read More
Spam isn't the primary culprit. The emails you want (or need) are clogging your inbox and sapping your time. Try these techniques for taming the monster. Read More
The end of summer is approaching all too quickly, yet there’s still plenty of time for the beach, barbecues, and your business. If you haven’t created a Summer Plan for your business, there’s no time like the present. After all, summer is the time for fresh perspectives… to refuel, refresh, reinvig Read More
It’s appropriate enough that I would comment on this topic, considering that I am a regular contributor here on the wonderful Work at Home Woman guest blogging community. Having been a blogger here for a year now, it’s been a great one. Read More
If you work from home you may find yourself procrastinating to avoid completing those difficult tasks or duties. The thing about working from home is that you can always find something to be done, either it being work or house related. Read More
Do you have a new business that needs more exposure? Are you trying to drive more traffic to your website? Or do you have a small advertising budget? Here are twenty websites that will allow you to advertise for free. Read More
You've just launched your new home-based business... start promoting your business to attract new customers. As a first time business owner and entrepreneur... Read More
There are significant personality differences between an entrepreneur and an employee and where your mindset falls on the entrepreneur/employee scale will greatly effect the results you achieve in your business. Read More

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