These stories submitted by HollyHanna will be featured BizSugar's homepage

What they don’t always take to quite as well are the concepts of retail itself. I’ve found myself explaining retail terms and concepts quite a lot recently, so I’ve prepared a brief glossary of retail terms that will be handy for those who are new to the industry. Read More
Women get a bad rap for competing against one another, and while I won’t deny that it happens from time to time I can honestly say that the majority of my relationships with women have always been incredibly supportive and beneficial. In fact, I have found that women seem to understand the idea o Read More
The best sales people are the ones that get you thinking that you really want to buy a product that you don't even need. Imagine how effective those sales techniques would be on your clients who do need your products but just do not know it yet.

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In 2012, women continue to leave their mark in business in industries around the world. Accompanied by quotes and statistics from leading ladies in tech and entrepreneurship, in this infographic we examine the accomplishments as well as the progress still to be made by women in industries around th Read More
You sit at your kitchen table or home office and sip your coffee. On your mind is the question, “What’s my big idea?” What’s the one thing that is going to turn what I love to do into what I make money doing? Read More
I write frequently about prosperity and abundance principles, and the power of creative thought. I have seen some wonderful changes in my own life since I began my practice of these techniques, and I’ve observed equally impressive improvements in the lives of those around me. Read More
As a freelancer or small entrepreneur running a home-based business, there's no doubt you’re already loving the benefits of being able to work when you want, for as long as you want, without having to worry about your ‘boss’ asking what the heck you are doing every five minutes. Read More
If you are a work at home mom or thinking about being a work at home mom, then you probably have dealt with guilt at some point in time. If you have worked out of the home then guilt was likely to be a part of your daily routine. When you decided to stay at home, as I did, you probably thought that Read More
I can hardly believe my baby (okay, she’s 5) is starting kindergarten this year. While this is going to give me a lot more time to work and focus on my business, it also means that there are going to be some major schedule changes and adjustments that need to be made. Read More
Recently I attended a local networking event. Several new members were given “2 to 3 minutes to introduce themselves.” Sadly, this did not happen as expected. Each person, in turn, talked for almost 10 minutes and just rambled on trying to convince us why we should buy from them. Read More

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