These stories submitted by HollyHanna will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Recently, I’ve been introduced to two new people in hopes of possibly hiring them to work on a couple of projects. One person was offered up by my new neighbor and the other by a family member. Both spoke very highly of these people’s work. Email introductions were made, I responded enthusiasticall Read More
Time management can be difficult with any job, but especially for those with home offices. If you struggle to get everything done within a limited amount of time without neglecting your family or your home, here are five time management tips for you: Read More
An event whether happy, like the birth of a child or tragically sad is often the catalyst for professional women to leave Corporate America. It was years ago that my daughter Serena died in a drowning accident yet the memories of that day are as vivid as if it happened yesterday. Read More
Keeping up with your day-to-day business activities is time-consuming all by itself. If you’re like me, any tool that can make your life easier, save you time and give you more room to focus on your core business is absolutely worth investigating. Unfortunately, most business owners don’t have the Read More
So instead of an article full of “fluff”- here is some advice that can really help you out when you need to make money right now. Read More
Referrals are one way that a small business finds new clients, but referrals can sometimes be difficult to come by. With a little creativity, you can inspire your current clients to bring you new business on a regular basis.

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Do you ever wonder if you can achieve a balanced life as an entrepreneur?Do you struggle to give attention to your business, your family, your social life and to yourself, but wind up feeling let down and frustrated at how difficult it can be? Entrepreneurs need to begin seeing the concept of balan Read More
Most topics and interests have at least one forum or chat dedicated to them on the Internet. Left without guidance, however, they can grow into a chaotic discussion space. That is where forum and chat moderators come in – they keep them in order. Read More
When it comes to managing time, working from home or owning a business can be both a blessing and a curse. Sure, you don’t waste endless hours fighting off traffic, there aren’t as many coworkers to gab with in the break room, and you can leave work early to make that 4PM Little League game... just Read More
Then in October of 2010, my first child was born. By that time I had started another business and I found out very quickly that trying to juggle 2 businesses and a newborn was even more stressful. Read More

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