These stories submitted by HollyHanna will be featured BizSugar's homepage

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner and Employee Appreciation Day (March 1st) trailing closely behind, there’s no better time than now to put the spotlight on your work team and show them just how much you appreciate their hard work and effort when it comes to your business. Read More
This was the main reason I launched a women’s entrepreneur group – I craved human interaction. Having face time with people was one of the things I’d enjoyed in past positions, but it was something I desperately missed when I transitioned to working from home full-time. Here are a few things you ca Read More
With Valentine’s Day coming up in a few weeks, it’s a great opportunity for your small business to use it as a marketing strategy. Read More
By Holly Reisem Hanna Dear Work at Home Woman, I came across your site when searching for mommy-friendly jobs and just love your content. I am new mommy Read More
Whether you're an occasional telecommuter or a work at home mom, operating effectively and efficiently out of the house requires a dedicated space in which to organize both your thoughts and your files. Read More
The advantages of working at home are clear for many. One of the biggest problems, though, is how to get a job that pays well but still allows you to work at home. Wondering what some of the best jobs out there for women are? Read More
I had read about all of the wonderful benefits of a juice cleanse... increased energy, improved digestion, greater clarity, a radiant complexion and even weight loss! So I signed my husband and myself up for a three day juice cleanse. I just knew that this was going to be the key to a healthy 2013. Read More
Not surprisingly, this has led to an enormous weight loss industry and includes such diverse business models as diet plans, diet drugs, medical procedures, gym memberships, cleanses, diet food home delivery, meal consultants, and various kinds of trainers. 20/20 ran a story back in May of 2012 sayi Read More
If you’re not already using social media, you really should be! That’s where the people are, millions of them and they are ready and waiting to hear from you! Today I’m going to share a few Facebook tips and tricks that everyone can use to help supercharge their business. Read More
It is important for any employee who works from home to have a place to call an office. There are places in your home that you can turn into an office; all you need is a little help. Building a home office space for yourself will keep you organized and on task and here are a few steps and tricks wh Read More

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