These stories submitted by HollyHanna will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Working from home sounds like the perfect solution for many modern women, but until we’re raking in enough cash to upgrade to a nice detached house in the country it’s not always easy finding the space to create a home office. Read More
There are many things to think about when preparing for a business meeting or interview. One of the most important things to remember is the outfit you will wear. The way you look is important in creating the right first impression. A smart and professional image will say that you are a smart and p Read More
It's frustrating running a work from home business, enduring the long hours and multiple frustrations, and not making the money you know you can. Why do some seem to effortlessly charge top of the industry rates and have a seamless flow of clients while you struggle? Read More
Of course this got me thinking. “Am I annoying my Fans by making them click through to the comments to reach the link?” When I sat down and really thought about it, it was a tad bothersome, and it looked a little unprofessional. Read More
There’s something in deep our minds that keeps us from doing what we know we want to do. It’s taboo. It’s private. It’s puzzling. Everyone experiences it, but we often don’t know how to address it. Of course I’m talking about fear. Read More
Do you ever think of customer service as a marketing effort? If not, you should. Word of mouth is one of the most effective, reliable forms of business referrals. If you don’t have good customer service, customers will be less likely to talk positively about you, in turn hurting business. Read More
Working from home has many positive attributes, but it also comes with its own set of unique challenges - especially during the summer time when school is out. Constant distractions, keeping the kids entertained and managing work-life balance are just a few of the concerns that work at home women h Read More
Years ago, my coach said to me, Karlene, you're hiding! Back then, I did not know what she meant. I figured it was because I was cooped up in my home office all the time in the back corner of my house. But that's not what she meant. Read More
It seems like more and more women in this day and age are feeling self conscious and unhappy with themselves and their lives. This is most likely a product of society's view on what women should be, but also a reflection on the fast paced nature of today's world and women feeling the need to conque Read More
I used to hear that saying a lot after I retired from professional golf. Getting a “check-up from the neck-up” simply implies that you need to see where your head is at on a regular basis. Do you have the mindset of a champion or do you doubt yourself, your decisions and your beliefs? Read More

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