These stories submitted by HollyHanna will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Fashion blogging used to be an outlet for frustrated wannabe Vogue editors. Nowadays, the top bloggers are massively influential and mind-blowingly well paid. There are so many in the blogosphere, however, that it might seem like an impenetrable territory. Read More
The festive seasons like Christmas are pretty famous for being an expensive time for individuals. However, it isn’t just expensive for individuals; it’s expensive for businesses as well. If you’re a savvy business owner, then you must be having an eye on the bottom line. Read More
We make decisions every day. We decide what to wear, what to eat, which way to drive to work, and what shows to watch. Some decisions are bigger than others and granted, some decisions mean more than others. Some decisions will have an impact on the next 60 seconds of our life and some have a stron Read More
As we are now into a new month, and looking forward to a new year, this is the time to begin to think and plan for what you would like to accomplish in your life. Whether it is for your personal life, your career or for your business, having some tangible goals will keep you motivated and moving fo Read More
Freelance writing is a pretty awesome career path. How many other jobs let you choose your own hours, work from home, and set your own pay rate? Not many! However, you can only consider freelance writing a career if you actually make money. Read More
When the holidays arrive, we feel the pressure to be all things to all people even more than usual. We have to be good businesswomen and good stewards of the hard work we put into our businesses all year long. We feel like we have to make every moment count in order to make a beautiful holiday for Read More
There are no firm statistics on the number of women who currently make money from home, but it's safe to assume it's a rising trend. While the advantages are many - extra time for family, no commute, no need to dress in office attire - one big minus is the sudden sedentary lifestyle that comes from Read More
As a busy entrepreneur, do you find yourself constantly battling sweet cravings? Do you have frustratingly low energy levels in the middle of the day? If so, you are not alone. Many entrepreneurs seek out sugary snacks during the day, as a way to boost energy levels and reduce stress. Read More
Do you eat at your desk when you work from home? After all, the kitchen is just around the corner, and it’s so simple to whip up something to eat and settle right back into work, right? Read More
In the age of social media and online marketing, entrepreneurs – particularly women – have not bothered to answer these crucial questions. Positioning is being defined the wrong way. Popularity is being mistaken for positioning and influence. Read More

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