These stories submitted by HollyHanna will be featured BizSugar's homepage

In the 21st century, having an online presence is paramount for every business in every industry. But success isn’t found by merely being present on the Internet. A website needs to have substance while standing out from competition. Read More
Like many new home-based business owners, I had this very question years ago as a startup. It just makes sense if you run a business you should have a business phone number, and a dedicated line. Or does it? In this post we'll take a look at the pros and cons of having a dedicated business telephon Read More
As a freelancer, you'll also face a very different set of legal issues than your 9-to-5 counterparts. And what you don't know could definitely hurt you. Read More
Festive, blinking lights are an excellent distraction from a computer screen filled with work to do, emails to send, and social media platforms to keep updated. But even with the holiday hubbub, and the suspicion you may get that nobody is reading your blog right about now, you still need to keep y Read More
As the New Year quickly approaches, individuals every where will ponder what their goals and resolutions should be for the upcoming year. Many will take the systematic approach of using the acronym S.M.A.R.T. to plan and measure their progress, while others will utilize an accountability partner or Read More
This creates a wonderful opportunity for women who are looking for a chance to make a good income and have the option of working from home. An occupation that allows a woman to have both is the medical coding profession, which involves organizing and maintaining medical information. Read More
As the old year comes to an end and a new one approaches, you’re probably bombarded with messages pertaining to goal setting. How to do it, why you should do it, and the consequences of not doing it. I’ve written about such things in the past, but then decided it was best for me to focus on three w Read More
Web design projects usually come with set deadlines. Clients have their own schedules and require designs completed by a specific time. Therefore, to succeed as a web designer, you need to learn how to manage your time properly. If you can’t complete your projects on time, even the quality of your Read More
Great content, simple and creative website design, pictures with Alt text, niche-based keywords—unbelievably, sometimes these aren't enough to boost your blog to the top of search engine rankings. So, what will? Read More
I would wager that there are not many of us that actually take the time to stop and just think for awhile. Like most of us, I’m pretty adept at “execute mode,” or taking care of “bizz-nezz” so to speak, that I often overlook the vast benefits of self-awareness and inspiration that would come with i Read More

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