These stories submitted by HollyHanna will be featured BizSugar's homepage

There is an old saying that hard work is always rewarded. If you are one of those people who believes in this motto, then you are the perfect kind of person to get into a home based business doing party consulting. Read More
In most cases, just opening the doors to your home based business will not bring enough customers and revenue to allow you to stay in business. You must have a marketing plan... Read More
Wouldn't it be great if you knew how to write a blog post quickly and easily so you could move on to other business matters that you enjoy more? Lots of people struggle with staying on top of their blog writing schedule, because they get hung up in the process. Read More
Why is it so important for work-at-home moms to promote themselves online? First, they often work alone, making it difficult to establish a professional network and get referrals. Second, the current economy is causing many people who are unemployed or underemployed to work as freelancers. Read More
The last bites of Valentine’s chocolate are gone. All the red and pink marketing have disappeared from store shelves. But it’s not too late to give yourself a lasting Valentine’s gift by starting a business. Have you dreamed about running your own business? Carving your own path? Is there a product Read More
I’ll admit it... I’m a huge fan of the reality TV show The Bachelor, and it’s counterpart The Bachelorette. I’ve watched it religiously for years. While the majority of us will never make it on a reality TV show, there are some good entrepreneurial lessons that can be learned from The Bachelor and Read More
Promoting your blog was the topic in a recent #BlogTrends chat on Twitter. The first question the moderator asked was, Is paying to advertise a good way to promote your blog? Why or why not?. One of the participants responded, if you mean getting business cards and paying for a .com I think those a Read More
Looking for work means keeping your fingers on the pulse of the employment market all the time, which is more than possible if you have a smart phone. Now all you need are the right job search apps, like the 5 below, to help you market your skills, build your professional reputation, and create a g Read More
Entrepreneurs can learn a lot from Harry Potter. The lesson is not in wizardry or how to save the world, but in how important having a single focus and manic determination is to achieving success. Read More
Last year The Work at Home Woman hosted a Business Book Club, where every couple of months participants would read and discuss a new business book. While there was a lot of interest expressed in the group, the biggest complaint that I heard from participants, is that there wasn’t enough time in the Read More

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