These stories submitted by HollyHanna will be featured BizSugar's homepage

The reason that blogs which combine a mishmash of the bloggers personal interests do not become very popular, or make a lot of money, is because they don’t focus on the needs of the readers. The mishmash blogs are focused on the bloggers themselves, which does not engage any particular niche. Read More
What are the benefits of being a woman-owned business? It's more than just establishing yourself as a female leader in your field. Businesses majority owned and operated by women have the option to get certified as a Woman-Owned Business and reap the benefits of specialized grants, loans and contra Read More
Have you ever heard of the impression of increase? In other words people are always looking for more. More money, more clients, more energy, more happiness, more health. It’s something all of us, actually every living thing, are searching for at all times. Read More
When starting a new business there are many steps that one must take; determining the structure of your business, filling out a DBA form, and perhaps applying for an EIN. An Employee Identification Number is a nine digit number that is used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to identify a busin Read More
Here we are at the beginning of another new year. Are you feeling disappointed or less than satisfied about last year’s accomplishments? The beauty of starting a new year is having a clean slate and a renewed motivation. But, what if you’re having trouble finding that motivation? Read More
I love that quote, just love it! I feel like this is the destiny of every woman! We can fulfill our dreams, we can have our greatness and we CAN fly! It is all there for our taking! I am going to make this quote a large print for my health coaching office so every woman who walks in sees it and can Read More
I recently spoke at the Atlanta Business Growth Expo on four ways to stand out and grow your business and thought you might benefit from these suggestions as well. Read More
I know there must be dozens of people reading the title of this post and mumbling to themselves, “Why is she already talking about taxes? That’s not until April!” Ah, but that’s the trick to Tax Day on April 15th: it always looks further away than it really is. Read More
In this tough economy competition for home-based jobs is fierce, so to get noticed you’ll need to distinguish yourself from the crowd. Here are five key tips to help you stand out in this tough market. Read More
As on I reflect on the past year and create my goals for the New Year, I am minded of how far I have come and how much I have learned. Part of this process is going through my analytics to see which articles resonated most with readers and to see what areas I have missed. Read More

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