These stories submitted by HollyHanna will be featured BizSugar's homepage

It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to work from home. Sometimes, however, it can be difficult to get any work done while the kids are on summer vacation or if you have a toddler. Having a nanny there to care for the children while you work can really help but this, too, can pose a challenge. Read More
When thinking about customer service in your home-based business, remember to have the right attitude, enthusiasm and commitment. Read More
Supplementing your income is never a bad idea; if you need the money, why not? Thousands of people work full-time and come home to their empty homes every day only to worry about money. Thoughts of putting away a little money for a rainy day or for future retirement years flood your brain and the w Read More
Whilst it is great to see women in high positions “as employees”, it is even better to see women entrepreneurs who are going out there and creating their own business success. Women seem to do better when it comes to creating products that are based around children. Or perhaps those are the ones th Read More
My grandmother was a remarkable woman; she witnessed nearly a century of human events, including some of the most dramatic changes in human history, while always continuing to stay connected and relevant to the present. She was the first entrepreneur in our family; in later life, during a time most Read More
I work from home now. It’s wonderful. I can keep my fuzzy slippers on all day (or as we call them around here “my sexy socks”). I get to do what I love all day long. I can also wander aimlessly into the kitchen and munch. Working from home is conducive to every aspect of my life, except my waistlin Read More
Direct sellers have been using Facebook since the beginning to sell their products, recruit team members, and get the word out about their business. Facebook continues to evolve and change; it is important to the success of your direct selling business that you keep current with these changes. Read More
Just when you think women are making real headway towards equality, a dose of reality hits to remind you that we still have a very long way to go. Last week three startling news stories came out that really jolted me and reminded me that women are still struggling everyday to earn and gain the same Read More
Ever heard that little voice deep down inside of you helping to guide you? It’s called your intuition. If you’ve tapped into it, congratulations, you’ve finally allowed yourself to recognize it! That little voice helps guide us with tough decisions like new job opportunities, bold steps in our pers Read More
While corporations and large companies have social media experts whose entire job consists of managing the company’s Facebook or Twitter, it is the small businesses who often struggle to keep up with their social media marketing. Read More

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