These stories submitted by HollyHanna will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Just once, I’d like to see a commercial showing an average work at home woman, tele-conferencing on the treadmill, power-networking in the Pilates class, trying to get through a workout between a client meeting and her next deliverable. Read More
New Years has always been a time of reflection, but more importantly a time to make positive changes for the future. While the majority of Americans will make resolutions that they can’t keep –vowing to get into shape, lose unwanted pounds or quit smoking. Read More
Ah yes, working at home seems like the best of both worlds: earning money while you work in your pajamas and effortlessly take care of your children. But don’t be fooled, while working at home has many wonderful attributes, it does come with its own set of unique challenges. Read More
The new year is right around the corner and you're gonna own it! That's right - 2012 belongs to you. Just like 2011 and 2010 and 2009. You get where I'm going with this, huh?! Read More
Disappointment is a normal part of life, but it is how we deal with disappointment that makes all the difference. Here are five key strategies on how to deal with disappointment and keep your business and career goals on track. Read More
Forums are great. They are a wonderful place to meet new people, share ideas and learn new things. They’re amazing branding platforms—allowing you to share your company’s message with site visitors while also allowing others to promote their personal and professional brands. Read More
I have to admit that I’ve caught the Pinterest fever! It’s a dream for this wannabe Martha Stewart – all my favorite things in one place, neatly organized, and easily shared. Nirvana!

So, what is this new nirvana I’m drooling over? Pinterest is a relatively new site (a little under 2 years old) Read More
At what point should we accept that what we desire simply isn’t meant to happen and our destined path is elsewhere? Where does the law of attraction fit between the veils of fate and destiny? Read More
I’m standing on the mat with my gloves on, ready to swing, punch and kick this heavy red bag in front of me. I was doing great until the pain of tired muscles kicked in. I’m pretty fit. I eat right, I’m lean, but I don’t work my muscles as consistently as I should. About halfway through class my ar Read More
I am realizing that I did not do a very good job of setting and tracking my achievement toward any specific goals in 2011. Sure, there were things I wanted to do, but I did not really document what I was working toward. So, as we roll into 2012, I thought I would compile a goal setting refresher an Read More

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