These stories submitted by Liz_062 will be featured BizSugar's homepage

There are so many tools you can use to run a successful business. But if you dont take care to actually use those tools to their full potential your business could suffer. To learn how to get the most out of your small business toolkit take a look at these tips from members of our small business co Read More
Evernote is rapidly becoming a staple part of our modern workflows.

From 2009 to 2010, Evernote jumped from 2 million users to 6 million. Impressive, right?

Not compared to its 2017 figures.
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Product page SEO is increasingly challenging to get right.

You want your ecommerce website to delight consumers with great creative assets. But you also need to give Google enough semantically relevant content to get those all-important page 1 rankings. Balancing these two objectives is incredib Read More
Facebook brings distant people together. It helps us share our lives with people around the world. Unfortunately, if you open up your life on social media, privacy is a big concern. According to Huffington Post, only 3% of American adults trust Facebook with their personal data. The data available Read More
A new infographic reveals the top reasons why consumers feel connectied with brands and the results are telling. Affinity comes when consumers feel that a brand cares about people like themselves, and when the company is run by people like themselves. Read More
Efficiency is vital for startups to scale and survive. To be efficient you have to document your processes to make everything repeatable and scalable.

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Links have always commanded significant focus when it comes to increasing organic search performance. Over the years, SEOs have built them by any means possible — legitimate and otherwise. Read More
Customer journeys have evolved significantly in their complexity, with the sheer amount of touch points possible exploding due to digital advancements. Mobile has risen to number one, in terms of consumer use and accessibility; hyperlocal has become a paramount focus of strategy; and intelligent co Read More
Effective content marketing is a vehicle for modern SEO.

Just as wheels without an engine leaves you pedaling, content without an SEO strategy can’t keep up in a digital marketplace. And just like an engine with no wheels, SEO without content is a shiny machine that goes nowhere. Read More
You don't choose the workaholic life; it chooses you. However, you can choose the right gadgets that will make your life a whole lot easier. Read More

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