These stories submitted by MMarquit will be featured BizSugar's homepage

One of the myths that still persists in society is that a good job is the key to financial security. Instead of relying on a single source of income, you need to invest in income diversity if you want true financial security. Read More
In spite of my ownership of the term “professional blogger,” I find that I need to call my writing something other than a blog post. Read More
One of the most important things you can do for your future is to save up for retirement. But, before you start investing, you need to have a good idea of how much you are likely to need. Read More
Mom and pop stores are the cornerstones of many thriving “historical” downtown areas, and they provide much-needed economic boosts. If you own such a business, here are some tips that can help you thrive in this age of cheap products and doorstep delivery. Read More
We bring in an expert in the field – Mrs. Miranda Marquit – to let us know what it takes to make it in the world of professional written communication. Read More
Raising your rates isn’t always easy. I find that asking for more money is one of the hardest things I do as a freelancer. Here are 5 tips that might make it easier for you to increase your freelance rates: Read More
When you apply for a job, or if you are looking for a job in a specific field (or even if you just want to keep your options open), you need to consider the keywords. Read More
It’s not fun to be underemployed, but if you want to chance the circumstances, you need to keep working hard, and looking for networking opportunities that can lead to a new job. Read More
There will always be those intent on earning money by tricking the hard-working out of their cash. Right now, the IRS is warning about two new scams that might impact you. Read More
Which tax breaks have you become accustomed to? Some of the tax breaks slated for expiration at the end of 2013 are those that many of us have gotten used to. Which will you miss? Read More

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