These stories submitted by MMarquit will be featured BizSugar's homepage

6No matter how you do it, it’s vital you determine if you’re saving enough for your ideal lifestyle. Here’s a simple checklist to make sure your retirement savings are propelling towards your goals. Read More
It’s rare that someone actively edits my writing. I have a couple of gigs that involve editing relationships, but, for the most part, I write blog posts and move on. But that doesn’t mean I don’t need an editor.
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You’ve probably heard about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), So, what do you need to know about health care before 2014? Here are some of the things you should be aware of: Read More
Any legally married couple, no matter the policy in the couple’s state of residence, will be considered married for tax filing purposes. Just because same-sex couples can now file jointly, does it mean they should? Read More
Get compensated to move from a potential employer has its tax caveats. Understand the different ways relocation benefits are provided and how each results in different tax consequences. Read More
Now that 2014 is around the corner, it's time to seriously start looking at purchasing health insurance, if you don't already have it. Read More
Are you really benefiting from the mortgage tax deduction? And is it really something that has a big impact on your finances? As with most matters of personal finance, the answer depends on your own personal situation. Read More
While it’s true that writing, especially professional blogging, provides a number of opportunities to successfully freelance from home, it’s not the only profession that offers this chance. Read More
Tax preparation company Jackson Hewitt has provided some helpful tips for those interested in making sure that their tax documents are ready for the possibilities associated with a natural disaster. Read More
When you don’t have an employer subsidizing your health insurance plan, it’s difficult to pay your bill sometimes. If you are looking for health insurance as an independent contractor, here’s how to go about it. Read More

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