These stories submitted by MMarquit will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Recently, I came across a short rant against crowdfunding that referred to me as a “content whore.” My first reaction? I smiled and thought, “companion, dammit!” Read More
I’m on a business trip right now. As I’ve prepared for this trip, and as I’ve got under way, I’ve been thinking about how to make the most of it. Read More
The numbers of Americans renouncing their Citizenship has hit an all time high and many of the reasons why point to regulations and taxes. Read More
If you want a freelancer to create your white paper on your behalf, you need to be prepared to pay a little bit more. A white paper is more than just another article. It’s not an extra-long blog post, either. Read More
The rise of big data has many privacy experts and consumers concerned about just what corporations know about all of us. Read More
College is pricey. There are ways for college students to pay bills while in school through flexible employment. Read More
One of the realities of the job market is the salary negotiation. You want to earn what you’re worth, but what if the employer decides to offer you a little less than you asked for? It’s a tricky situation, especially in the current job market. Read More
If any of the following words apply to you — freelancer, free agent, contractor, independent contractor, consultant, or self-employed — then we need to talk. Read More
Many entrepreneurs hire their spouses because it means a tax benefit. Here are some of the benefits that come with hiring your spouse and paying him or her a salary: Read More
Log this under “things I wish I realized last week”: You need Amazon Payments set up and verified before you can launch a Kickstarter for your home business project. Read More

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