These stories submitted by MMarquit will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Before you get too excited about claiming yourself as an exemption, though, you need to make sure you are truly eligible to do so.
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While it seems like there is a lot of focus on starting your own home business, the truth is that it isn’t for everyone. Here are some of the things to consider before you quit your “real” job to work from home. Read More
Something you may not be taking advantage of is the Health Savings Account. This is another tax-advantaged investment account that can work in your favor if you qualify. Read More
If you are looking for a franchise, one of the more attractive programs is 7-Eleven, because their franchise program provides franchisee with fully stocked, turnkey stores — you just have to walk in and run it using the training and systems provided by 7-Eleven. Read More
Even though I’m a professional writer, I know that I still have room for improvement. Here are 15 tips that can improve your writing (I do these, too. Read More
One of the more popular tax deductions available is the mortgage interest tax deduction. With this tax deduction, you can reduce your income with the help of the interest that you pay on your mortgage -- as long as you itemize. Read More
I’ve been suffering from a lack of motivation lately. As a home business owner, and what some people term an entrepreneur, this isn’t really a good thing. Motivation is one of the essential traits of an entrepreneur. Read More
Many people dream of moving to a new city and getting a new job. But, here are 5 items to consider before you pack up and move out.
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Since finding a way to talk to an actual human about my Google Authorship and G+ profile isn’t an option, this is where I vent. Read More
Sometimes, it can be hard to tell when someone is being legitimately helpful, and when he or she is just after your hard-earned cash. It can be especially difficult to make the distinction when it comes to complex issues like taxes. Here are 4 tax scams to be wary of. Read More

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