These stories submitted by MMarquit will be featured BizSugar's homepage

There are times when your job puts you at risk of injury. Even when you are as careful as possible, and follow all the regulations, there is a chance of injury at work. In some cases, the job you do might carry a higher risk of injury than normal. Read More
Many of us pay our taxes because it’s the law, or because we feel it our civic duty. But few of use actually enjoy it. And many of us have probably wondered what would happen if we didn’t pay our taxes. Read More
Earlier this year, Netflix announced that it is ditching Microsoft’s Silverlight plug-in in favor of HTML 5. Part of the reason that Netflix is moving on is due to the fact that Microsoft announced that it will phase out support for Silverlight’s video streaming plug-in by 2021. Read More
Supreme Court recently ruled a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional. However, many questions remain to be answered. Read More
There are times when it makes sense to hire an SEO specialist to help you optimize your site, and even to help you get a little help from links. Before you hire just anyone, though, you should ask potential candidates the following questions: Read More
According to a recent study, it turns out that you are likely to live longer, and even have a better quality of life, if you keep working in retirement. Read More
I know affiliate income is all the rage amongst many home business blog owners. But I can’t seem to make it work for me. Read More
Few us enjoy paying taxes, but it’s one of those things we’re required to do by law. And, since paying taxes is a matter of the law, there is the possibility of going to jail if you don’t pay your taxes. Read More
Success is built through hard work, patience and persistence. You can gain a competitive edge over other freelancers through developing a few habits to become a better freelancer. Read More
So, how can you decide if an internship (particularly an unpaid internship) is worth it? Here are some things to consider. Read More

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