These stories submitted by MMarquit will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Tax deductions can help you reduce your income, and that means lower taxes. A tax deduction isn’t as valuable as a tax credit, but it’s still not bad. Read More
Working from home is a dream for many. After all, what’s better than sleeping in, and then getting up to do work in your pajamas? But, before you answer that ad on Craig’s List, here are some things to consider. Read More
The house of representatives is currently taking suggestions, comments, or ideas on how the US Federal tax code can be reform. If you want tax change, send an email directly to the house of representatives by April 15th. Read More
I’m here to rescue you from the doldrums because I can guarantee that you are making at least one of the five mistakes that all bloggers makes. Read More
Before you decide to handle your legal situation on your own, consider these 5 benefits of having a lawyer on your side. Read More
Many sole proprietors just keep their accounts together to have fewer items to manage. However, it can make sense to re-evaluate your banking situation and consider opening a business account. Read More
You need some money. Should you be borrowing from your 401(k) retirement account? Here's what you need to know! Read More

Watch Out for the

Watch Out for the  - Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Taxes
From 4103 days ago
Every year, the IRS releases its list of the “Dirty Dozen” tax scams. Here are the top 12 tax scams to watch out for this year, according to CNN Money and the IRS. Read More
Choosing your health insurance plan requires that you consider a combination of affordability and adequate coverage. As you look into your options, here are 5 things to keep in mind. Read More
Cyprus intends to tax bank deposits, in exchange for a European bailout. The idea of taxing bank deposits may sound crazy to Americans, but one US congressman has wants to. Read More

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