These stories submitted by MMarquit will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Before you decide that a target date fund is a good way to set it and forget it when it comes to your retirement, it’s a good idea to stop and consider the pros and cons of these types of funds. Read More
Joining a mastermind group can provide you with a way to further develop your career. It’s especially useful if you have your own business. Here are some of the benefits of a mastermind group: Read More
It’s important to understand that there are certain deductions that are ineligible as you calculate the AMT. Read More
With the year solidly under way, it’s time to check in on your resolutions. Are you still prioritizing retirement? Read More
One of the ways that you can find resources for your small business is to join an organization that focuses on helping its small business members. Read More
One of the ways that many people attempt to make more money is by asking for a raise. This can make sense, since it can mean that you do basically the same job, but you get paid a little more to do it. Read More
So, what happens when you take time off to raise a family? What are your options? How can you remain competitive during maternity leave and beyond? Read More
Your tax situation can have a big impact on whether or not you ultimately reach your retirement goals. Here are some of the tax situations that can affect your tax bracket, and affect your overall wealth. Read More
One of the more profound things I heard recently, while watching an interview of Luke Landes from Consumerism Commentary, was this: You don’t have to be productive 100% of your life. Read More
March is Women's History Month, and it's interesting to have a look at whether or not women really have more work options now than they did in the past. Read More

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