These stories submitted by MMarquit will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Whether you are building a business or a blog, one of the best resources that you can put at your disposal is a mastermind group. Here are 5 ways a mastermind group can benefit you. Read More
One of the issues you need to address during retirement is the origin of your income. As you prepare for retirement, consider the following sources of income. Read More
If you are looking for a job, one way to get your name “out there” is to contact recruiters. But working with a recruiter requires planning and a little finesse. Read More
The biggest reason that adults in the United States stick with their bank, according to a new study from Harris Interactive and Yodlee Interactive, is convenience. Read More
Health insurance is largely tied to employment, and with employers looking for ways to stem their rising costs, new solutions are being sought. One of those solutions, according to Forbes, is a surcharge for partner health insurance. Read More
When you have Impostor Syndrome, you have a hard time internalizing your good qualities, and seeing the reasons that others think that you are success, or find you competent. Read More
A review of how the IRS offer in compromise program changed from 2011-2012 after the fresh start program. Offers increased, but less than than the growth of total offers accepted and the growth of the acceptance rate. Read More
Debt can have an impact on your career. Depending on the job you want, and the situation you’re in, debt can be a real hindrance. Read More
With the coming changes to healthcare laws, will your Health Savings Account vanish? Will your premiums rise? Here’s what you need to know. Read More
According to The Principal Financial Well-Being Index, retirement planning is on the rise in America. This news indicates that more American workers are making efforts to plan for retirement. Are you one of them? Read More

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