These stories submitted by MashaKaran will be featured BizSugar's homepage

After three amazing events in London, Generate London is back at Royal Institution, home of the Christmas lectures, on 21-23 September 2016. Join the conference for three days packed with insight, inspiration and practical takeaways.

Generate conferences are presented by net magazine – the world Read More
You have just a few days to learn everything there is to know about a subject you know nothing about.

What now?

This is the first part of the 2-series article about steps to get up to speed on any subject quickly. Read More
Bain & Company is one of the world’s leading management consulting firms. They work with top executives to help them make better decisions, convert those decisions to actions and deliver the sustainable success they desire.
For more than 40 years, they’ve been passionate about achieving better res Read More
The third Latin American Slot Summit is to be held in Mendoza, Argentina, the largest gaming market in Latin America!

Mendoza is a vibrant city that sits at the heart of Argentina’s wine country. Filled with modern and art deco influences, Mendoza promises to be the ideal setting for the next La Read More
The Forbes magazine has recently published an article that highlighted entrepreneurship among millennials in Africa and the strides that the continent is making in a number of different industries.

Africa, according to the article, has, “an incredible wave of entrepreneurship transforming econom Read More
There is little doubt that financial markets have been particularly nervous lately, especially regarding the European banking sector (once again!).

Clearly, the Brexit vote on the 23rd of June has been the reason that reignited such worries. Now, it is more likely to lead to weaker economic grow Read More
The largest multi-cloud event in Europe

The shift to a multi-cloud environment is happening faster than any other enterprise technology shift in history. Cloud Foundry Summit Europe is where organisations of all sizes will meet to define their multi-cloud strategies. Read More
The WindEurope Summit 2016 will explore the outlook for wind power technology and markets up to 2020 and beyond. The event will give delegates the opportunity to engage directly with wind energy experts from industry, finance, academia and government. Read More
The Liberty Global Technology Summit is a premier annual event that brings together our trusted technology partners and our employees from around the world for an unforgettable and inspiring day of knowledge sharing, collaboration and networking.

The summit features industry-leading speakers, ha Read More
In 25 years I have never met a person in sales who loves it that is failing at it.

I have met a lot of sales people that do love their profession and they all have two things in common — they make money and they KNOW what they are doing. Read More

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