These stories submitted by MashaKaran will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Content Marketing World Conference 2016 is the one event where you can learn and network with the best and the brightest in the content marketing industry. You will leave with all the materials you need to take a content marketing strategy back to your team – and – to implement a content marketing Read More
AlphaGamma Startups Overview is a monthly overview that attempts to identify promising startups from Europe and CIS and which have the potential to make a difference in their industries. Do you know or run a startup yourself we should look into? Contact us or fill in the form here.

Here are our Read More
Cusp 2016 is not a ‘how to design things’ conference. It’s eclectic by design, intended to provoke cross-pollination of ideas and generate new thinking.

Attendees enjoy 25+ inspiring and thought-provoking presentations by people who are passionate about designing a better future.

Every attend Read More
Did you miss the UNLEASH 2016 Festival arranged by PANGEA? Here are the highlights from the most unconventional gathering of young talent.

While the Spanish economy is going through challenging times – with the youth unemployment exceeding 40% – the current economic state is not as grim as it mi Read More
While coffee chats are usually informal interactions, they can often lead to more substantial relationships over time. At Global Professionals Practicum (GPP), we’ve seen coffee turn into mentorship relationships, invitations to exclusive events, and unsolicited job offers for our clients.

Use c Read More
With six top IT events under ONE roof, 300+ exhibitors and 300+ free to attend seminar sessions, IP EXPO Europe is the must-attend IT event of the year for CIOs, heads of IT, security specialists, heads of insight and tech experts.

The event showcases brand new exclusive content and senior level Read More
400 attendees from over 100 countries were hand-picked to join the festival to get inspired by the 11 outstanding keynote speakers. While they also belong to the Millennial generation, their inspiring and thought-provoking success stories serve as examples to others.

PANGEA is designed to be the Read More
Startup Open is a competition to recognise and reward startups and the entrepreneurs behind them. Held as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, Startup Open will recognise the top 50 startups each year and award prizes to help them grow their business.
It is open to any entrepreneur who has just o Read More
On the 23rd of June, in a historical referendum British people voted to leave the European Union, the so-called “Brexit”. Soon afterwards the pound was plunging against the dollar by more than 10% to $1.32 per pound, which is a 30-year low. Read More
The SEEC Idea Pitch Competition presents students with a great opportunity to pitch their business idea to a panel of judges and a chance to win cash prizes. Idea pitch is a frequently used term, which literally means “tell me about your business within the time that it would take to ride up an ele Read More

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