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Are you looking for new sources of capital for your business? If you’ve had trouble getting financing from banks, there is one other source you may want to tap into: your own customers.
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With the economy still uncertain and fears of a double-dip recession rearing their heads, many small business owners may be rethinking their prices. Is it time to cut your prices even more or offer additional deals and discounts? Or can your business not bear any further price-slashing?
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If you think today’s grandparents are wearing housecoats, using walkers and living on skimpy pensions, think again. A new study of grandparents from Metropolitan Life, reported by MediaPost, finds that most are Baby Boomers aged 45 to 64 (still of working age) who have money to spend and are spendi Read More
How does age affect what users do on Facebook? A new study by SocialCode, reported in MediaPost, shows that while younger users may be more likely to “like” your brand, it’s the older users who actually take action and click through to your website.
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Are you a small retailer gearing up for the holiday sales season? Then new data from Motista can offer some useful insights into how to sell this year. The key focus of the study was the importance of emotional connections with retailers.
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What’s the most effective way to generate leads for your small business? A new survey of lead generation professionals by search and display advertising platform found that pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns were rated the most valuable lead generation tool. Cold calling, not surprisingly, Read More
For years, the conventional wisdom in the small business world has held that it’s risky to rely on one key customer. As soon as possible, the thinking goes, your company needs to diversify into multiple customer accounts so that if one customer goes under, is slow to pay or otherwise “flakes out” o Read More
Are you looking for a way to put several thousand dollars a year in your business’s bank account—without doing any additional work? A recent survey of small business owners by NACHA — The Electronic Payments Association showed that the average business could save from $2,000 to $7,000 annually by u Read More
Are you a military veteran whose business does work for the government? Then you need to be aware of a new crackdown that’s occurring due to recently discovered fraud. The federal Veterans Affairs Department recently discovered during an internal audit that more than 30 businesses to which it had a Read More
American Express OPEN recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of its semi-annual Small Business Monitor surveys by releasing a retrospective report that analyzed the results of the surveys over the past 10 years. The results have some sobering data for small businesses.
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