These stories submitted by Argentisgroup will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Did you know that video makes up 51% of all web traffic vs. 23% for written site and the web? Are you using video to sell? Here are 3 tips to help you start using video to sell. Read More
There are ways to increase or enhance your clients experience with you. Here are 3 ways and several suggestions on how. Read More
Did you know that subscribers to an email newsletter typically buy 34% more than non-subscribers? Here are some examples that you can use to create a weekly email newsletter for your clients. Read More
Are you top of mind when it comes to your clients and prospects? Here are 3 tips that can help you create a “52 Weeks of Tips” email newsletter. Read More
Do you want to know what 94% of the population hasn’t done in the last year that you can do to put yourself ahead of your competition? It’s something that you can do in your downtime. Read More
Did you know that that 70% of people haven’t done this in the last 5 years and 58% of the population hasn’t done this since high school – which will put you miles ahead of your competitors – Want to know what “It” is? Read More
If your sales aren’t happening, do you think that you might not be going where the prospects are? Here is how to start looking for prospects and how to make an impact on your sales. Read More
Finding a new customer is 6 times harder than keeping an existing customer. Here is a great tip that you can use to help increase your sales. Read More
Networking events can be useful to find new business, promote your business or find new friends. Here are 3 tips to help you out at an event. Read More
Did you know that 71% of searches are on Google and that 40% of those searches are for local products or services? Here’s the kicker – 82% of people searching are ready to buy – What are you doing to get on the first page of Google? Read More

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