These stories submitted by Argentisgroup will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Press releases are a great way to let the world know about you, your company and your offerings. Here's a great way to use press releases for sales lead generation. Read More
No sales leads means no sales. Getting qualified sales leads is important in making sales. Here is an video to show how. Read More
Did you know that 53% of people hate their jobs. Do you hate your job? Here are your three alternatives. Read More
Want to know the one trick that will help you in sales? This is a proven tip that will ensure that you will succeed. Read More
As salespeople we often don’t hear praise from our clients.

Have you ever thought about praising someone who sells to you? Why not try it? Read More
Gatekeepers are a pain in the you know what.
All you want to do is talk to the right person in a company because you know that if you do you will be able to convince them that your offering is the best, except every time you call, you are blocked by the dreaded gatekeeper. Read More
There are numerous studies that have been done that show that people with a positive attitude will do better than those that don’t. Here is how to stay positive. Read More
Asking for help is often tough. Asking for help in the selling profession is really tough. It's not a sign of weakness, but instead a sign of strength. See why here. Read More
Here is a little known secret to help you prepare for a meeting that your competition isn’t doing. Do this and you will be ahead of 99% of all sales people. Read More
There are at least 2 things that you need to do to prepare for a meeting with a new client. This post and video will share this information with you. Read More

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