These stories submitted by Argentisgroup will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Sales People sell in the wrong places. Did you know that 94% of sales people sell where 40% of the sales happen? Want to be part of the 6% that go after 60%? Read More
Can you product or service be influences by a Mom? If so and you are not specifically targeting Mom's with your marketing or sales approach, then you are missing out on a huge market. Read More
Do you want to see a great way to engage clients and prospects so that they do something you want them to do? Have a call to action. Read More
Have you ever thought about becoming an author and writing a book? This is a great way to get known as an industry leader. Read More
Have you ever thought about developing a Return on Investment or ROI model to show your clients how much money they will save by using your product or service? Read More
Have you ever thought of staying in contact with your clients by using a survey that you can send them? It's a great way to find out where you should focus efforts. Read More
Typically every jurisdiction have regulations to govern how companies can conduct business. Want to see how you can use regulations to help drum up sales? Read More
Want to see a way to sell your products and services easier? Try going into companies that don't get called on all that much. There are some great opportunities to be had. Read More
Ethics in sales is of the upmost importance. Keep this in mind every time you have an urge to bash your competition. This can haunt you more likely than not. Read More
Are you having a tough time getting into a company? Want to know a way that you can increase your odds of opening the door & getting in to see the right person? Read More

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