These stories submitted by Argentisgroup will be featured BizSugar's homepage

SlideShare is a great program for showing off your presentations online. The great thing about SlideShare is that you can upload a video presentation and add a slide with contact information. Read More
Have you seen LinkedIn's Signal search capabilities? It is a great way to find potential sales leads, jobs, or just about anything that you may want to find. Read More
Do you have an Ipad or Iphone that you want to add files to? I was having a frustrating time trying to get my files added to my iPad. I struggled using iTunes until I found out about Dropbox. Read More
Do you want to see how to make your online marketing up to 279 times more effective? Most people do not understand why their online marketing doesn't work that well. There is a reason. Read More
Online video is huge. As of 2011, online video consumption was 69% of the web and it is expected to be 90% by 2013 according to Cisco. If you are going to incorporate video as part of your marketing, Tube Mogul is a great way to distribute your content to multiple sites, thus helping you save time. Read More
SlideShare is a great online resource for sharing presentations. If you are lucky enough to get listed on the featured section of SlideShare, you can see a spike in traffic and hopefully sales leads. Here's a story on how I managed to get on the featured section of SlideShare. Read More
Do you write a blog? Here is a great way to distribute your information to different sites so that you can drive traffic and hopefully qualified sales leads. Read More
Do you write a blog, publish content on a website or promote information online? Here is a great way to distribute your information to different sites so that you can drive traffic and hopefully qualified sales leads. Read More
In anticipation of Jeffrey Gitomer's new book, Social Boom! being released, I thought I would put up this video that Jeffrey recently did on Social Boom! I was lucky enough to be asked to contribute to the book and I am extremely honoured to have been asked. Read More
QR codes are great to incorporate into your daily sales and marketing activities. They can help you reduce time associated with some marketing and sales tasks and they can be used as a fun way to promote your products and services. Read More

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