These stories submitted by Argentisgroup will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Did you know that people remember 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear but 80% of what they see and hear together? Read More
Do you have a list of hard hitting questions that you can ask your clients or prospects? Spend some time figuring out questions that will make your clients. Read More
Can you become an OEM with an existing product or service? You might be able to increase your sales by looking at a new way to sell your product and service. Read More
Preparation is key to progressing a sale with a client. Here are some steps that you can take to increase your sales success and close more sales. Read More
Do you know what impact your staff could be having on your sales? They are your front line when dealing with clients, so make sure that they are doing their job. Read More
The little things that you do can add up and mean a lot to your clients. How do you or your company approach customer service? Read More
Did you know that there is a way to get people to recall up to 80% of your content on your blog or website as opposed to 10%? Read More
Do you belong to any industry associates? If you don't, you are missing a great opportunity to make some great business connections and networking opportunities. Read More
Do you ever get customer complaints? How do you respond to them? Why not use them to your advantage and gain a happy customer. Read More
Do you find it hard to find sales leads? Want to know an easier way to get more sales with less effort? It involves some work on your part, but it takes about 6 X less effort (industry average). Read More

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