These stories submitted by Argentisgroup will be featured BizSugar's homepage

To close more sales, have you ever thought of leading with something of value? Here is a video that shows you how to do that. Read More
A lack of ethics when you are in business will come back to hurt you one day. Here's a post that talks to this point. Read More
Testimonials are powerful and most companies don't use them or do them. Here is a way to completely beat your competition on testimonials, use video. People remember 80% of what they see and hear compared to what they read. See how here Read More
Here is the third part of a 3 part series. Here's how get more sales letter's opened and generate more sales leads. Read More
Here is the second part of a 3 part series. Here's how get more sales letter's opened and generate more sales leads. Read More
Here is the first part of a 3 part series. Here's how get more sales letter's opened and generate more sales leads. Read More
Do you want to see how you can remove any uncertainly in a sale? Why not provide a proof of concept. They often times move a sale along. Read More
Keep everyone in the know when it comes to your sales you are working on. This is imperative so that you end up with a smooth implementation. Read More
Did you know that there is one thing you need to add to your sales proposals that is often overlooked? Here is a look at the one thing that you need to add to your sales proposal. Read More
Do you help your clients get what they want first before you get what you want? The best way to start building a relationship with potential clients is to provide value for them first. Read More

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