These stories submitted by Argentisgroup will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Do you want to see how you can increase getting qualified sales leads? Add information on a Referral Program to your customer correspondence. See how here. Read More
We all know that Cold Calling sucks, but sometimes you have to pick up the phone and dial for dollars or Smile and Dial. Here is a little tip that you can use to dramatically increase your odds of connecting with the right person in a company at a time when they are available. Read More
Cold calling sucks. When you call someone that you don't know and interrupt their day, it really doesn't make a great impression and actually turns them off wanting to do business with you. Read More
Do you ever get stumped trying to find names of key people in companies that you want to call on. Here is a great tip on how to get those names that works almost every time. Read More
If you make cold calls, or even warm calls, and you are trying to reach people in a company, it can often be frustrating trying to reach the person. Here are a couple of tactics you can use to increase your likelihood of getting through to the right person. Read More
Retaining clients should be a top priority of all companies because repeat business is far more profitable than trying to get a customer for the first time. Here is a great idea on creating customer loyalty by holding an event. Read More
Almost every company should have a customer loyalty program. It is one of the easiest ways to continually drive repeat business. Here's a way to do this at the point of sale. Read More
Mobile Marketing is becoming huge and as such, why not incorporate it into your customer loyalty program. Here's a video to help you get started. Read More
Have you ever thought about using email as part of your customer loyalty program? You can capture your preferred clients email address and names and incorporate this into a customer loyalty program. Read More
Most companies focus their efforts on going after new business and often forget about their current customers and how much revenue that they bring in. Retaining customers should be your primary focus. Read More

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