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Bay Area Anarchy?

Avatar Posted by lyceum under News
From 5128 days ago
My good friend Carson, who currently resides and works in Silicon Valley, sent along an editorial from Sunday's San Francisco Chronicle advocating political independence for the Bay Area! The thought of the Bay Area governing itself is equally intriguing and hilarious - that's something I would absolutely pay a ticket to see. Most striking, though, may be the measure of social mood this represents, as we're now seeing almost universal disgust with government at many levels - Federal and State, in particular, across the United States Read More
Please click my unique URL and check out Fast Company's "influence
project." Read Mark Borden's post, Popularity, Ego, and Influence - What Is the Influence Project? Spread the good word! This could be an interesting "experiment" and maybe I could use it as an example in my new course on social media this autumn. Read More
Take the opportunity and ask me a question by filling out the form in the right column (under the section "Recent Comments"), or by or by clicking the link to For information on Formspring, listen to Amber MacArthur's and Sarah Lane's interview with Ade Olonoh, CEO and founder of

Maybe you have a question on my new site, EGO Sole Trader, or want to know some similar curio stuff that I described in my post, SEVEN THINGS ABOUT ME. Read More
After eight years of blogging, I have started a new business site for sole traders (sole proprietorship) with a publishing platform called Squarespace. I have used Blogger, Tumblr, Posterous and Wordpress during the years. You are welcome to follow my web journey as I am developing my new site Read More

Memorial Day

Avatar Posted by lyceum under News
From 5170 days ago
How do you commemorate Memorial Day? Read Gus Van Horn's post, A One Man Army. Related: My post, My Birthday on Memorial Day Read More
Have you heard about Wibiya toolbar? I think I first saw it on Amanda's site, My Recipe Finds. I have then found it on other sites, e.g., John Jantsch's Duct Tape Marketing and Robert Scoble's Scobleizer. Please spread the good word by sharing the posts via Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Buzz, BizSugar or by email. This feature is powered by AddThi Read More
This is my first podcast interview on Blog Talk Radio. John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator. I will update this post with show notes, links, etc Read More
Thoughts on ads on a blog and alternative ways of getting support. How do you search for good affiliate marketing programs? The post includes an interesting example of a brand new service that combines micropayments and donations in a social setting Read More
I have now been blogging for almost eight years. I will post my annual blog report on May 7. I have decided to start a new series of podcasting shows on Blog Talk Radio. First out is John Cox on May 23 Read More
What is risk reporting and what is its importance to the success of a project? Risk reporting is basically a phase in the project management cycle wherein risks are predicted and then properly communicating it to the members of the team as to determine what the best ways are to handle or fix the problem. This is constantly done throughout the entire project life cycle to regularly keep in check a Read More

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