These stories submitted by Resonancesocial will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Let's be honest with ourselves, marketers. Is our content actually helpful? Or is all this talk just lip service to the oft-cited "create remarkable content" inbound marketing credo? Read More
We are all aware of people and events going viral over night. We are aware of videos on YouTube getting millions of hits in matter of weeks. (Call me maybe?). And while we are staring in disbelief of their online success there are lessons to be learned from them. Read More
With 42 million Facebook Pages, over 140 million Twitter active Twitter users, 178 million LinkedIn users out there, many startups and other social media newcomers are asking a pretty heavy question: Is the social media universe just too crowded and too loud for someone just starting out to have an Read More
Hard to believe, but it's been 2 years since Resonance opened its doors. In today's vlog post, we've got a few thoughts on lessons learned since October 2010, mega-major-thanks to all those who have made our success possible, and advice for anyone thinking about making "the leap." Read More
Usually when I do a post about "updates," it involves either Facebook or Twitter.

And then it involves a lot of eye-rolling.

But lately, my update posts have focused on an unlikely source: LinkedIn. Yes, good old reliable, stable, un-razzmatazzed LinkedIn. Read More
Maybe it has someting to do with being all business, all the time, but LinkedIn just seems to get something that the other social networks don't. Everything it does just plain makes sense. Case in point: Just yesterday, LinkedIn announced a serious improvement to—or, more accurately, replacement fo Read More
A trip to the gym. An empty water bottle. A perfectly placed free sample. And what the heck it all has to do with content marketing. Read More
Some thoughts on The Rebel's Guide to Email Marketing, a new book by DJ Waldow (@DJWaldow) and Jason Falls (@JasonFalls). Read More
When it comes to content marketing, you don't need a Usain Bolt. You need a Stephen Kiprotich.
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What finally got personal blogging out of my "Stuff I'm Totally Going to Do When Life Quits Being So Danged Busy" folder. Read More

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