These stories submitted by Resonancesocial will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Today I'm vlogging with a few more thoughts on the future of Resonance Social Media. Take a listen to what I have in mind and feel free to hit me with your feedback! Read More
Just when we were getting comfortable with Timeline for Facebook Pages -- yep, there's already a change to deal with, and here's what you need to know about it. Read More
If you're ignoring the power of images and video in your social media postings, you could be dealing with Reason #1 Why Your Social Media Sucks.
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If your favorite social media tool is that oh-so-attractive "Publish to All" button, you could be dealing with Reason #2 Why Your Social Media Sucks. Read More
If your social media is a one-way street, you could be dealing with Reason #3 Why Your Social Media Sucks. Read More
Sure, social media is a place to be yourself and converse with your audience. And Lord knows we all love to commiserate over common gripes: traffic, canceled appointments, botched coffee orders, taxes, you name it.

But it's possible to take it too far. Read More
If your social strategy doesn't involve sharing content from other sources, you could be dealing with Reason #5 Why Your Social Media Sucks. Read More
Did your social media strategy miss that left turn at Albuquerque? That could be Reason #7 Why Your Social Media Sucks. Read More
Does your audience need a dictionary to follow your posts? Welcome to Reason #7 Why Your Social Media Sucks. Read More
Hundreds of retailers have closed their Facebook storefronts. Does "the Pinterest model" hold the key to saving F-commerce? Read More

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