These stories submitted by Stillwagon428 will be featured BizSugar's homepage

If you are still mourning the demise of Vine, the recent tweets from co-founder Dom Hofmann might put a smile on your face. His tweets are indicating he may be in the process of resurrecting the six second video platform — or a version of it. Read More
If you’re ready to start dabbling in the business practices of the future, here’s a list of big data books to get you started. Read More
With office parties to organize and gifts to send out to employees, clients and customers, things can get hectic for businesses during the holidays, as well as expensive. With a little bit of effort and know-how, one expense businesses can cut down and make savings on is electricity. Read More
Google just built an app called Datally so you can better manage and track the data on your mobile device. Datally is designed to address three important facets of mobile data usage. It lets you understand, control and save on the data you use as part of your plan. Read More
We caught up with founder and COO Summer Crenshaw at Dreamforce to learn about the vision behind tilr and how the company is driving growth by thinking differently. Read More
Ten of the best digital marketers from Salesforce past and present gathered at Dreamforce to share their advice on how you can generate leads better and faster. With a range of tips from using SEO best practices, stepping up social media, conducting paid search, or using site optimization, this adv Read More
Dreamforce 2017 took place last week, and so much went on it took me a while to process all the information shared. It was an exciting, non-stop, four days of keynotes, sessions, press conferences, exhibitions and networking. Read More
Nicole Sult, Director of Customer Service for growth award winner Lippert Components, shared with me the role CRM, in particular Salesforce, played in the explosive growth the company has enjoyed over the past two years. Below is an edited transcript of our conversation. Read More
When you first propose moving your small business to the cloud, you’re likely to get some pushback. A small part of this resistance is the opposition change always brings. People like the status quo more often than not and do not want to shift their way of working. The greater part however, is due Read More
This #GivingTuesday, as a token of appreciation for all the great work that you’ve been doing and will be doing, Zoho Creator is offering $10 million worth of subscriptions free for all non-profits for a year, complete with access to all its apps that are sure to get all your technological needs co Read More

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