These stories submitted by Tabithajeannaylor will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Twitter rolled out a video feature for its mobile app last week and Gary, being a fan of Twitter, was using it right away. In his article “Why Twitter’s New Video Feature Matters for Engagement, Not for Content”, Gary said that he spent several hours last week using the new feature but not in the w Read More
A great idea won’t get you anywhere without the cash to back your efforts. If you are starting from scratch, understanding some of the ways startups find the cash to get their businesses off the ground is a good place to start. Make your entrepreneurial dreams come true by researching which funding Read More
It’s common knowledge that employing right social media tactics can make a huge difference for a small business. If you’re finding it hard to get people to engage with your small business on social media, maybe you don’t understand which tactics to try as it can be confusing considering the vast am Read More
A scenario that plays out over and over again is one in which a business gets into financial trouble wherein it struggles to make payroll, pay suppliers and the taxman. This type of situation often occurs because the business owner is so focused on products or services and customers that they negle Read More
Large companies the world over have long recognized the value of creating a brand. To most small business owners however, branding their business is something they only dream of as they think it’s just not possible to do with their small budgets. But even a small business can benefit from the impac Read More
Venturing out on your own takes a big leap of faith, a touch of crazy and a whole lot of hard work. Being a business owner can be terrifying, invigorating, intimidating and challenging all at the same time. If you’ve decided that you’re tired of working for someone else and want to be your own boss Read More
You will need capital to take your amazing idea for a new business to the next level. But how in the world do you know which of the many funding options is right for you? By looking at the most popular options along with the pros and cons associated with each, that’s how. Here are some of the fundi Read More
In this installment of Gary Vaynerchuk’s weekly wrap-up, we begin with the article “There is No Substitute for a Shitty Product” in which Gary starts by mentioning Sriracha hot sauce. He says it’s likely we’ve all heard of it without actually seeing an ad or commercial. Gary says the reason why a c Read More
Anyone who spends any time at all looking around online for search engine optimization news and information has seen a lot of buzz lately about negative SEO. What is negative SEO you ask? Negative SEO occurs when someone makes an attempt to lower a website’s rankings in the search engines. An easy Read More
Many people think they've come up with terrific ideas that translate into great businesses. But even if you've thought of a fantastic new product or service, you must have the right business model, funding, pricing, marketing and team to make it work as well as enough customers who are willing to p Read More

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