These stories submitted by Tabithajeannaylor will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Everybody knows that person who in spite of having the same number of hours in the day as the rest of us, seems to always get everything done in an unusually short amount of time. It doesn’t matter if they’re running a business or are a stay-at-home mom, that person just seems to know how to make t Read More
For this segment of Gary Vaynerchuk’s Weekly Wrap-Up, we’re going to begin with Gary’s article “5 Snapchat Hacks That Are Too Easy For You To Ignore”. Gary states that he’s “hot” n this platform right now and that you should be too because it’s a huge deal and offers many amazing opportunities for Read More
At any startup, whether it’s riding a nice wave or going through tough times, there is always the issue of money lurking in the shadows. If your new business is just taking off and you’re starting to realize that you’re running low on cash, you need to tighten things up now before your money proble Read More
If everything goes along as planned, there will come a time when you realize that you need more hands on deck to help your business grow. While it’s tempting to take the old school route and look for employees by placing ads in local newspapers, a better option is to take advantage of the connected Read More
In his article “Google+ Is Not Dead”, Gary starts out by stating that he’s just going to say it because it’s what we’re all thinking which is Google+ is a failure. Gary says he doesn’t mean to diss Google at all because he considers the search giant the best tech company on earth but he says that G Read More
Everyone has been to meetings that go on and on or where everybody is sitting and fiddling with their smartphone or tablet. And we’ve all been in the meeting where a certain someone from accounting goes off on a tangent talking about nothing in particular just for the sake of talking. These are the Read More
For our second installment of Gary Vaynerchuk’s weekly wrapup, we’ll start with Gary’s article entitled “Stop Asking Me About Your Personal Brand, and Start Doing Some Work”. Gary talks about how he’s stunned over how many people ask him about how to start a personal brand. He says people ask this Read More
Since Kickstarter launched just over five years ago, investors have pledged more than $1 billion dollars to help fund the thousands of creative projects featured on the crowdfunding platform. While these projects range in scale and success, entrepreneurs and small businesses are turning to Kickstar Read More
Before you pull the trigger and launch your new small business, it’s important to make sure you have all your ducks in a row. Of course, you’ve already gotten the most important tasks done like finding the funding you need, hiring staff and making sure you have enough items to sell. Read More
Once you’ve done all the hard work to launch your amazing product or service, it’s time to get the word out. If you’re like most people you probably already have a basic marketing list written up that includes the usual things like using social channels and paid media for spreading the word, attend Read More

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