These stories submitted by Tabithajeannaylor will be featured BizSugar's homepage

While climbing up the ladder, a diver visualizes the twists, flips and turns they are about to perform, as they see themselves piercing the water like a knife, completing the perfect dive. Months of preparation go into this culminating moment and they understand exactly what they came to do. As a Read More
Branding is essential for the success of any company. It gives you more exposure and ensures that people will remember you. But what would happen if you make crucial mistakes in the creation and implementation of your brand? It could cost you your business, so pay close attention when we point out Read More
2014 is nearly over and so it is now time to look at marketing strategies for the coming year. The marketing world is constantly changing, so your business should evolve with it as well. Discover the most effective marketing strategies for 2015 and implement them in your business plan for guarantee Read More
Have you ever wondered what makes a successful business? It is true, it takes hard work and dedication, but there are some insider tips that could be very useful to you. Discover what they cornerstones of a successful business are and implement them in your own business plan. Read More
A good USP strategy is essential for any business. However, it becomes even more important when you start a new business. But there’s no need to worry, because the following insider tips will provide you with the insight you need for an excellent USP strategy! Read More
We can all learn from the past. That is a lesson we all learn during some period of our lives. Luckily we can also learn from past marketing strategies to obtain business success in the future. Discover the secrets from the year gone by and draw your own conclusions for 2015. Read More
Many people want to start an E-commerce business these days, but a lack in experience can cost you dearly when you start any type of business for the first time. A successful business starts by choosing a marketable product, but does not stop there. There is a lot you need to know about starting an Read More
If there’s one characteristic most entrepreneurs share, it’s an ego large enough to provide them with the self-confidence needed to risk everything on a new business startup idea. Let’s face it: no one starts a business without first believing that he or she has what it takes to make that venture a Read More
As an entrepreneur, you know how important it is to have online content that stands out and garners the attention you need to attract new customer prospects. Let’s face it: there’s so much information out there these days that it’s difficult to get your message heard above the din and clamor of tha Read More
Like many entrepreneurs, you probably have little doubt that your startup business idea is so innovative and foolproof that there’s almost no chance of failure. The statistics, however, suggest that the only real certainty in business is that more than half of all new startups fail within the first Read More

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