These stories submitted by Tabithajeannaylor will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Anyone who knows anything about the real-world benefits of the startup elevator pitch understands that the ultimate success or failure of a business enterprise is not necessarily dependent upon the ability to describe that business in ten seconds or less. It is also true, however, that there are in Read More
You have finally finished creating the perfect copy; it is written clearly, the content is compelling and engaging, but you’re still not converting customers – why is this?

It doesn’t matter how well your copy is written or what it says; if the call to action at the end of the copy is unclear, y Read More
Launching a startup can be a dream come true but without any funding, it will only be a dream. Finding funding can be difficult, especially if you don’t know where to begin or have never considered any of the options you have available. Before you start daydreaming about your retirement, think abou Read More
Over the last few years, there has been an ongoing debate over whether or not today’s companies can still rely on the proven concept of the sustainable competitive advantage. For entrepreneurs launching new startups, this question is both timely and relevant, and the answer directly impacts how any Read More
When it comes to content marketing, writers often spend days researching their material and writing what they consider to be a successful copy.

After posting it to your blog, you anxiously wait for comments or shares from your audience – only to find that those shares never come. Your spelling i Read More
As a startup founder, there are certain qualities you look for in future employees that will be crucial to successfully running a company. It’s okay to empathize with those who are in need of a job; you want to do what you can to give back to your community, but at the same time, you must look for Read More
Many people have difficulties finding the balance of where they belong, if they are actually useful and how much more business can really be generated from their use. If you are considering implementing QR codes into your marketing tactics, there are a few great reasons to use them – when they’re u Read More
If you’re launching your first startup or still in the planning stages, you tend to take in all of the information you receive. Read More
Many small business owners don’t immediately turn to open online forums to market their business.

In fact, it’s often too easy to forget that an online forum can have a positive impact on your business – but this is a mistake many startup founders make. Read More
Marketing through social media has skyrocketed – whether you’re choosing Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, using social media to reach out to your audience continues to be successful. Read More

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