AggieBrad voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There's no need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to promoting your blog. While it's fine to use ebooks, audio, video and interviews as promotional techniques, there are some older methods that still work well. Read More
Often in the world of Business we fall into the trap of judging books by their covers.

Let's say Dolph Lundgren, co-star of Rocky IV came to you to apply for a job. "What can that muscular, dumb jock bring to my business?"

How about a 160 I.Q., a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering and a F Read More
Most people consider content as king. That's SO 2010! The customer is king at last and it's all because of Social Media and permission marketing. A big hello to Seth Godin and Brian Solis! Read More
Cats have endeared themselves to humans for millennia. Bloggers seek to endear their blogs to their readers. Are there lessons we can learn from cats? Read More
In this virtual world, freedom of expression is limitless, but somehow when it comes to blogging, many people find it hard to keep up with frequent writing. In order to write frequently you need to make a habit out of it and your passion. See how to do it! Read More
Have a blog? and Facebook account? probably you've already created your fan page on facebook to connect with new people and reach more readers, it's nice to know how to schedule Facebook fan page updates. Read More
When you hear “Zorro” what do you picture? Why is that image uniformly etched on our minds? What secrets can Zorro teach us about personal branding? Read More
While companies are racing to catch the social media bandwagon that’s passed them by, others are jumping off. Is social media right for your business? Read More
As a blogger I simply cannot live without certain applications, tools, and plug-ins that not only help me blog better but also streamline many of the tasks I perform routinely. So I've decided to make a top ten list of my favorite blogging tools and share it with you. Read More
How I have been able to blog consistently for such a long duration? There are many reasons why I am able to maintain the same level of enthusiasm every time I am writing a new post Read More

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