Algernon00ps voted on the following stories on BizSugar

What the SEO Rebel can Teach You About Inbound Marketing

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Online Marketing
From 4264 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on January 20, 2013 1:15 pm
Ti Roberts has managed to get his SEO Rebel blog to go from zero to almost 20,000 visitors without SEO. Here's why you should follow Ti and read her blog. Read More
For the additional cost of improving working conditions, your happier employees will work harder, increasing your performance. Read More

Breaking It Down In Order to Build a Business 

Avatar Posted by kirchnergroup under Strategy
From 4264 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on January 22, 2013 8:14 pm
I remember a turnaround challenge many years ago where the Company was perplexed by the fact that profitability was declining despite steady growth in sales. In fact, it seemed that sales and EBITDA were inversely related, that is, profitability seemed to decline in direct proportion to the growth. Read More

The Hidden Value of Long Tail Keywords [Infographic]

Avatar Posted by JohnPaul under Marketing
From 4264 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on January 22, 2013 12:49 pm
Long Tail SEO Infographic SEO has been getting a lot of attention over the past 12 months, from what not to do now, to what to do now, knowing what to do, but knowing how long it will work. But the effectiveness of long tail keywords won't change. Read More

Top Entrepreneurs Have Follow-up, Not Ideas Alone

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 4265 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on January 22, 2013 6:13 pm
When someone introduces me to an “idea person,” I automatically jump to the down-side conclusion that this person doesn’t do follow-up. Of course there are people who are great at getting things done, but haven’t had an original idea in their life. Great entrepreneurs, like Bill Gates, are great at Read More
It’s a New Year, and with that comes lots of excitement as we enthusiastically set new goals and aspirations. Entrepreneurs are especially ready at this time of year to create new plans to grow their businesses, serve more clients and increase their revenue. Read More
Google Plus Versus Other Social Media. Guy Kawasaki goes over key differences between the big 4 social media platforms; Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn. Read More

10 really interesting articles for every entrepreneur

Avatar Posted by karolzielinski under Management
From 4265 days ago
Made Hot by: bigmoneyweb on January 26, 2013 4:51 pm
I've just looked through my notes and I've found 10 (not so new, but still very interesting) articles, that every entrepreneur should read. Read More
With tech advances in Cloud Computing and Mobile Communications, it is possible today for you to collaborate with your employees - anytime, anywhere. Read More

How to create a product that people will scream to buy!

Avatar Posted by MariusPrice under Online Marketing
From 4265 days ago
Made Hot by: BizRock on January 22, 2013 7:07 pm
How to create a product that people will scream to buy One big observation that I have noticed is that Internet marketing newbies simply don’t know what to sell. They know they want to sell something, they know they need Read More

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