Algernon00ps voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How to be successful during the summer business slowdown: fine-tune your business plan, reassessing your goals, and throw a few fun events. Read More
What if there was a way that you could have dozens or even hundreds of people who are so anxious to read your latest post, they're willing to be notified as soon as you share it? There is. Read More

How business owners should spend their summers

Avatar Posted by devan under Self-Development
From 4106 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on July 1, 2013 10:34 am
The slow pace of the summer months can help business owners catch up and take stock of the state of their businesses. Read More

More Than A Numbers Game: Defining Your Marketing Strategy

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Marketing
From 4106 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on June 28, 2013 7:05 pm
By Art Saxby

While financial health is essential to any successful business, the truth is that falling prey to the wrong numbers game can be one of the worst things for your marketing strategy and your business growth. Sure, it can be difficult to look past numbers and budgets — especially when Read More
Those job candidates you write off as "over-qualified" are the smartest, most seasoned and productive workers you will every find. They will accomplish more in a 40-hour work week than a young green-horn will do in a month. And to top it off, they will work for less pay. Read More

9 Inbound Marketing Infographics Tools

Avatar Posted by AnnMullen under Online Marketing
From 4106 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on July 1, 2013 12:02 pm
Infographics offer an opportunity to present complex information in a visual format that's fun and easy to understand. Because nearly any content can be made into an engaging inbound marketing infographic, they are becoming popular. Here are 9 tools to help you make that first infographic. Read More
How do you feel when it's time to give your 60-second commercial? If you’re like most people, you hate doing these introductions – even though you’re really good at what you do! Today I’m going to help you get over that, so you can state your 60-second commercial and feel awesome doing it.
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What does social SEO mean? Social SEO refers to the idea that social media links and interaction play a considerable part in a website’s search rankings. It sounds complicated (and, in reality it is) but basically SEO is all about optimizing content – whether it’s on your website or on a social med Read More

Taking Time to Take Time

Avatar Posted by SimplySmallBiz under Management
From 4106 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on July 1, 2013 12:48 pm
"I'm going on vacation that week," a colleague told me in response to a request for a lunch meeting with him, a few years ago. I was after a deadline for the following week.

"You do vacations?" I said, with a twinge of regret in my voice. "I haven't had a vacation in forever!"

"You're kidd Read More

Content Curation 10 Question Scorecard

Avatar Posted by thelastword under Social Media
From 4106 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on July 1, 2013 1:32 pm
As Joe Pulizzi emphasized in a recent article describing the 5 essentials involved in creating content perfection, success involves both the creation and curation of helpful, relevant content.

Yet, in our era of limited time and budget resources, how do you measure the quality of your day-to-day Read More

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