AmyJordan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

SEO is a tough job and to make it easier you need reliable tools that help you build a strong and effective SEO strategy that brings results. Here are an example of some tools that will make your life a lot easier. Read More

The 4 Types of Bad Managers #infographic

The 4 Types of Bad Managers #infographic - Avatar Posted by SaadAhmadkhan under Management
From 3637 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on May 21, 2014 10:30 pm
Make sure you're not one of them! We often lead based on examples or models that we've seen in our lives. This can be really helpful, unless our models were demonstrating poor leadership. You can see 4 examples of bad managers. Then it goes over 8 traits that can make managers better. Read More
A recent study by Sea Change Strategies discovered that while donors at the $1,000 to $10,000 level represented only one percent of the total donor population, they were giving more than one third of the total donations.That’s a lot! The problem is this “mid-level donor” group tends to be neglected Read More
nstagram is the most engaging network out there. Using pictures and video, you bond with users across the globe. It’s an opportunity to share your story… on a platform which is full of people who actually want to hear it lol. You’re missing out if you haven’t joined yet! Read More
Social media is spreading its wings wide and all the so called experts of social media are taking their dig on this matter stating some quotable quotes about things that they are not even aware of. Read More
DDoS attack is something that you start hearing quite often recently, but you don't know the nuts and bolts of it and you probably don't know how to keep your site safe from a DDoS attack, right? Don't worry, this post will help you with that. Read More
For the self-employed, it can be tempting to forget some of the basics associated with long-term financial planning. Read More
During the process of credit repair, small business owners may still need to obtain financing. Here is advice on how to manage this delicate situation. Read More
“A mistake I made early on was thinking that our employees had the same thought processes and learning tactics that I did. Explaining something, walking away and expecting them to execute the task as I saw it in my head proved unrealistic. Now, I ask employees to tell me what the end result will be Read More
Firstly, as a word of warning, be wary of third-party crowdfunding promotion services. Paying a few hundred dollars for a “guaranteed” success sounds suspect most likely because it is. When campaigns fall into a rut, such services may appear to be the quickest solution, but often this leads to was Read More

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