Barneyausten voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Project scoping can be made easier using SMART as a foundation. It helps put shape and definition on your project scope and reduces scope creep during implementation. This will help save your business time and cash Read More
For those of us following the world cup it's been both pleasure and pain. Pleasure seeing our chosen team win, and pain watching their tears of failure.. Read More
Personal development is the discipline that may determine your ultimate success. The success of every business begins and ends with the attitude and drive of the person at the top.. Read More
A blog will help your business TAKE OFF and SOAR to profitability like no other modern marketing tool.

Put your seatbacks in the upright position, fasten your safety-belts, stow your carry-on luggage in the overhead bin...and prepare for takeoff! All that I have learned in my 1st year of biz-blogging Read More
Simply put, online video is huge and growing more critical to online business everyday. If you want to get attention online and aren't sure what return you can expect, check out this data on the growing popularity of online video and its importance in reaching your online market Read More
A short missive on the impact of the words "good enough". My question to these words are "is it?" - what do you think Read More

Is email bad for your health?

Is email bad for your health?  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Technology
From 5112 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on July 10, 2010 8:54 pm
Last week I was listening to the latest This Week in Tech podcast, in which one of the guests was speaking about the concept of Email Apena - a temporary absence or suspension of breathing.. Read More
In a bid to generate more success in my life I perfected a ritual and repeated it every morning. I started each day with a prayer to Lady Luck while soaking in a bath filled with four leafed clovers.. Read More

Simple tips to produce online video - Part 2

Simple tips to produce online video - Part 2  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From 5113 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on July 9, 2010 11:34 pm
Have a look at these great tips to produce online video for your business! This is the second and last post Read More
How aware are you of your language? Do you know that there are certain words that are used in everyday language that seriously affect your outcomes and in a negative way Read More

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