BizWise voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Good The Bad And The Ugly: Choose Your Customers Wisely! Customers Are Always Right, Aren’t They? NO! And you as a business owner don’t HAVE to take on a customer or client who you know will cause more aggravation than is worth your time! “Just Say No” to a potentially-toxic customer!
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Infographics are now the way to share information data and statistics in a way which is easy to understand and simple to share through different marketing platforms. Having a great infographic is meaningless unless you know how to get your message out there quickly, grab the attention of your audie Read More
Arianna Huffington wrote Thrive because we need to rethink success. Society's old idea of success is centred on two things: money and power. But money and power are like a two-legged stool. Withouth a thirdleg, you'll fall. That third leg manifests in the Third Metric of success. Read More
Every business needs a content marketing strategy. It is a great time for bloggers, in particular B2B business bloggers as they are in great demand right now! What if you can’t afford to employ a professional to create your amazing content? You need to check out what is happening in the blogging wo Read More
More and more companies are taking to the virtual world, and this means that we will see a significant increase in eCommerce websites and online stores. Read More

How to Use Mobile Video to Help Grow Your Small Business

Avatar Posted by smpayton under Public Relations
From 3687 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on August 30, 2014 10:27 am
Mobile video is a fabulous tool to help you make customers happier and keep coming back. Here's what you need to know. Read More
Who is Ryan Hoover, and why should you care about him? I suppose you don’t have to care about him, but it might pay good dividends to actually try and understand someone who is behind a project – Product Hunt – that might help to accelerate your business idea(s).
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The term Minimum Viable Product or MVP was popularized by Eric Reis as part of his Lean Startup manifesto, in which he described an MVP as
“The version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.” - Ries, Eric Read More
Being the first play still has the perks of knowing more about the field. But like any perk, it’s not good by itself unless you invest in it more. Don’t just keep playing until you realize five more players have jumped in to challenge you. Start playing better now! Read More

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