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Let the Cat out of the Bag [podcast]

Let the Cat out of the Bag [podcast] - Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From 3602 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on August 28, 2014 12:47 pm
TrendPal podcast with Lotta Gergils Aston and Martin Lindeskog. Episode 4 - Let the Cat out of the Bag. Show notes:

Humin is not available in the Swedish App Store yet…
Humin Is a Clever iPhone App, but Needs Work - Re/code
What’s the Origin of “Let the Cat out of the Bag”? - Mental Floss
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Customers Are Always Right, Aren’t They? NO! And you as a business owner don’t HAVE to take on a customer or client who you know will cause more aggravation than is worth your time! Here are some signs that you should “Just Say No” to a potentially-toxic customer! Read More
Few people juggle as many responsibilities as startup CEOs. As the head of a small business, the startup CEO is not only a leader and an innovator, but also a marketer and a salesman, a web developer and a content writer, a business strategist and a tech support provider… and the list goes on.

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Small business marketers employ a variety of tactics to get online visitors to convert. Interestingly, many of these strategies overlap and pull from disciplines of brainwashing! This will make you really think about the experiences and content you find online. Read More
Here's an inside look at why my last startup failed.

There are a few key points that I think will help other entrepreneurs with their startups. Read More

What Documents Do You Need to Incorporate Your Business?

What Documents Do You Need to Incorporate Your Business? - Avatar Posted by Nellie Akalp under Legal
From 3603 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on August 26, 2014 1:33 am
Nellie Akalp, CEO of, shares important information on what documents are needed to incorporate a business in this post on Small Business Trends. Read More
Ecommerce statistics that will show you exactly why you must start selling your products online immediately. Read More
Ecommerce statistics that will show you exactly why you must start selling your products online immediately. Read More
Google Analytics is the most popular free tool you can use to measure the success of your inbound marketing efforts. With it, you can view the volume of your website traffic, track where your users are coming from and where they’re going, and learn how and why your users are [...] Read More
Nominations are in and you’re up next! Your Facebook friend chose you to complete the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Now, you have 24 hours to dump ice-cold water over your head, donate to the ALS association, or BOTH. It’s a phenomenon hitting social media. Everyone from celebrities and former presiden Read More

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